Thursday, June 30, 2011

The introduction

Welcome to my blog! My name is Lisa and I am 24, living with my husband in in the midwest. We enjoy all sorts of outdoor leisurely activities and love going on an adventure or two with our dog, Walker. I am on my weight loss, fitness, loving myself, finding beauty in myself, nutritious journey. I love research and science. It fascinates me how the human body works and how complex it is. I have learned a LOT from college, nutritionists, as well as my own research and I hope to help educate in an engaging way.

I hope this blog will be multi purpose. I want to show people that cooking healthy doesn't have to be bland, boring, and making you want to head straight to Dairy Queen after dinner and indulge on a 600 calories Blizzard. It can be incredibly satisfying. I'm going to be real here-- I use butter, salt, and red meats (Oh no!) You do not have to stay away from these things like the plague as they all provide some sort of health benefit. It is finding out how to use it and use it in moderation. I will create recipes, use my husband as the taste tester, and provide instructions and pictures for your liking. Also-- if you have a recipe or found one online you'd like to try, let me know and I'll test it!

I also want to use this blog for providing insightful health information. I will always provide references for anything matter of factly so you can rest assured that some crazy lady in the midwest isn't just making this up.

I'm also not perfect. I am on a weight loss journey to lose 35 pounds, and along the way I hope to get closer to God, improve strength in myself, and fight depression by healthy choices. This is me!

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